Is time to say bye bye to my one month's semester break. I wish I'd have another holiday soon but i know it was too ridiculous to say something like this now.
It was definitely a brand new semester and the timetable was so terrible! It's too too too too early for us, every day we need to wake up at 6am and go back from Uni at 6pm. Now the life was totally different from sem 1 , indeed. I should stop complain about it now and start my topic.
Well , we started our first class - Contextual Studies on 23rd September. In this class , Mr Charles lecture us the introduction on the words " Contextual Studies (CTX)" .
What is the meaning of Contextual?
" it is connected with a particular context"
So , CTX is refer to a study placed on the theory , method and application of the study process rather than on the "what" of the object of study. In short , it can also define as History of Art.
The study of meaning and purpose behind ' something'. In this context , we are looking for meaning and relevance behind ' design'. It's crucial to inculcate the habit of asking 'WHY"
-Mr Charles's blog
We are instructed to do research on Noir and Cult.
For more updates , stay tuned for the upcoming post hehe ;p
Chong Annie (0315632)
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